Apricot Fudge - Bredefleur - LA - Lily - Lily

Apricot Fudge

odorless LA


Unique flower shape, exclusive to Bredefleur.

This unique orange lily definitely has the WoW factor and is very innovative in the lily assortment with its remarkable flowers. Her shape is very unusual and with this Apricot Fudge the florist can be very distinctive and make a statement with it in a bouquet! Exclusive by Bredefleur.


Our BFFs inspire us every day. Get inspired by exploring our lily collection. What will you create?

Bridal bouquet with Apricot Fudge 2
Bridal bouquet with Apricot Fudge 4
Apricot Fudge (1)
2022 IAP Bredefleur April-1142 Albufeira- apricot Fudge