
Share your creations!

vlog bff cover

Who are Bredefleur Friends, or our BFFs?

We are naturally proud of our lilies and see that many creative florists share this passion with us. Our mission is to connect different chains in our industry, because we believe that together you can achieve so much more. By connecting our lily fans (BFFs), they can share inspiration and challenge each other creatively.

We are BFFs

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Every month a florist gets the opportunity to take the stage on our BFF platform. Sign up here and show your creativity. And in return, get a BFF welcome box with your favorite lilies to get started!

Take the challenge!

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Florist of the month

Every month, florists get the opportunity to grab your stage on our BFF platform.

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Lily of the month

Each month we want to inspire by sharing a beautiful lily from our range.

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Through connection, we can continue to challenge and inspire each other. Show your work, share your inspiration.

This month's BFF


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Showing the world how enchanting flowers can be

I am Michael van Namen and my passion in this business is to show the world how enchanting flowers can be. What I love most is processing flowers in such a way that their natural beauty continues to shine, just as they grow in nature. I love that!

Would you also like one
be highlighted?

Send us your beautiful creations and who knows
you will be selected next month to inspire our community.

Bredefleur Bff

Be highlighted as our BFF of the month!

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Lily of the month

Grand Amour

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Our beautiful lily: Grand Amour! An enchanting double lily distinguished by its many layers and deep pink color. With its many petals and subtle white edge, it radiates pure romance.

See more here

Curious about how your lilies are growing?

Levi is happy to show you around the Bredefleur greenhouse. This can be done live, but also via Whatsapp.

Get in touch
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Exclusive offers and workshops

Join our BFFs and share your creativity with others.

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Sign up for exclusive offers and workshops

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