Marios Vallianos: My inspiring Floral Design experience

Three designs showcasing the unique qualities of lilies from the renowned Bredefleur

In the vast expanse of human endeavor, a timeless maxim resonates with the boundless potential in each of us: "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, at least you'll land among the stars." These words, attributed to renowned writer and philosopher Les Brown, sum up the essence of ambition, resilience and the unwavering pursuit of dreams.

"Shooting for the moon," is embracing boldness, setting your sights on loftier aspirations beyond the ordinary. It is defying the limitations of doubt and fear and pursuing greatness with unwavering determination and conviction.

Lily Longiflorum Watch Up 05

A transformative journey in the designs of Bredefleur lilies

In the pursuit of these lofty goals, hurdles may have to be overcome, setbacks endured and moments of doubt overcome. Yet it is precisely in these moments of challenge that the true measure of one's character is revealed.

For even when the initial trajectory gets a little off course and the stars seem momentarily out of reach, there is comfort in knowing that the journey itself is transformative. Every step we take toward our dreams is a testament to our courage, resilience and unyielding spirit.

And during this process, we discover that the true essence of success lies not only in achieving a distant goal, but in the growth, learning and self-discovery that unfold along the way.

Lily Longiflorum Watch Up Supra, elegant flowers aspiring to the moon

In terms of botanical symbolism, there is an expression that reflects this sense of resilience and endurance: "sempre viva" or "everlasting. This term, often used to describe certain plant species that exhibit remarkable resilience in the face of adversity, serves as a reminder of the indomitable spirit that resides within each of us.

Just as the sempre viva plant perseveres and thrives under the toughest conditions, so too can we find strength and perseverance in the challenges of life.

In the tapestry of human experience, the journey toward our aspirations is marked by moments of triumph and trial, of rising peaks and falling valleys. Yet it is through the unwavering pursuit of our dreams, fueled by the timeless wisdom of "shooting for the moon," that we discover the boundless potential that lies within us all.

And in the end, it is not just the destination that defines us, but the courage, resilience and enduring spirit with which we chart our course among the stars.

Such is the case for my Longiflorum Watch Up design combining Bredefleur's fragrant and graceful lilies with Helichrysum. The lilies emerge upright from a fashionable bronze-colored jardiniere and float upward as if they were literally reaching for the moon. The white flowers feel completely at home among the green of the lily pads and the sturdy stems they bear.

At the base of these beautiful flowers, the Helichrysum, also pure white and true to its nature, resilient even under trials, balances the entire composition, modest and unassuming, remaining visible without dominating the design. The Helichrysum creates a subtle contrast with the taller lilies and yet brings a pleasing element to the design, maintaining harmony throughout.

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Lily Brindisi, elegant flowers with soft, radiant colors

In this second design, the delicate flowers of lily Brindisi carefully nested and protected by Ferula communis. Other flowers in this design include Trachelium caeruleum, Limonium Scarlet Diamond and Festuca polesica.

This arrangement ensures that the delicate flowers are shielded, allowing their stunning beauty to be safely and elegantly displayed. Ferula's robust structure provides a harmonious contrast, highlighting the lilies' soft, radiant hues and protecting their fragility.

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Lily Dalian, a blend of quality, unique shape and distinctive aroma

For my third design, there is the spectacular lily Dalian from Bredefleur, along with others such as Tillandsia xerographica, Ceropegia woodii and Stipa pennata. The visualization of the scents of lily Dalian, a cocktail of high quality, unique form and incomparable aromas, can be seen as an artistic interpretation of their aromatic profiles.

By translating the delicate and complex fragrances into visual elements, such as colors, shapes and patterns, the essence of their olfactory beauty can be captured. Imagine powerful, pink hues representing the light, sweet notes interwoven with flowing lines and intricate designs that reflect the elegance and sophistication of the lily Dalian fragrances.

This visualization not only enhances our appreciation of their fragrance, but also bridges the sensory experience, making the invisible beauty of the aromas of these lilies visible and tangible.


My big white flower bouquet

Lilies have a unique superiority and beautiful look that really shines when combined with other botanicals in a bouquet. Their elegant, large flowers and vibrant colors are accented by complementary flowers and greenery, creating a harmonious and visually stunning arrangement. The presence of other botanicals enhances the natural beauty of lilies, further enhancing their beautiful form and enchanting fragrance, turning each bouquet into a work of art.

Here is a harmonious society of special varieties Zambesi, Watch Up and Genzano lilies of Bredefleur hosted by Protea Cynaroides, cotinus, Photinia Red Robin, Pycnosorus globosus, Betula birch, Asparagus setaceus, Thlaspi green bellflower, Sorghum halepense.
